with just one day left before we leave for italy, all hosts of different things, to-do’s, and tasks are simply falling out the back end of my head. plop. if it’s not a thought about italy, it’s not a thought i can hold.
for me—and i’m sure many—vacations are always unique. i become filled with an energy so refreshing and powerful—simply strolling arm in arm down a random back street feels like ecstasy.
the trick is to capture this feeling. to identify it, capture it, meditate on it, and channel it whenever you’re mind is present enough to do so. vacations are a reminder of how carefree and amazing the most simple things can make you feel. and afterwards, your ability to understand enjoyment has expanded permanently that much more.
i’m not sure how much content will be added to the website while we are in italy, but with terra madre, and everything else italy has to offer, i think there will be some pretty blog-friendly goodies, and i might find a minute to share (maaaaaybe).
and so with that, dear reader, i bid you adieu. great treasures and wonders lie just ahead on the horizon.
talk to you soon,