raven song
what i have noticed, ever since December twenty first, the universal realignment from which blooms the next evolution of the human race, is that i have been noticing---well, that’s it really, just noticing. People’s sensitivities are firing on all cylinders—it’s in the air, so to speak. These weeks have brought a flurry of new reading material across my path (thanks to cross continental family visits and several interesting new people coming into our lives), and all roads continue to lead to me devouring any and all information on land based mythologies from indigenous peoples, shamanic healing, and the medicine of being in tune with nature.
Now, I do recognize that perhaps my own interests and perspective have shifted having myself moved into a wilderness environment, and therefore now everything appears to be seen with those colored glasses—BUT—that possibility aside, i have more recently been focusing on the simple fact that some sort of shift in consciousness, or sub consciousness, or unconsciousness, has occurred amongst us humans—whether one has recognized it yet or not. i don’t specifically ever ask for or seek interaction amongst readers of this site, although on this topic I would be very interested to hear your thoughts or experiences of late that might resonate or contrast this idea.
Of course, these times of heightened spirituality and connectedness amongst us—of course this comes with the devastation of contrast: school shootings and deadly hurricanes ravage communities while at the same time unifying them, strengthening them, and realigning them to their core.
So for me personally, inspired by this connectedness, and spirit, I have found myself researching and interacting with the nature around our new home in amazing ways. Today as we stood watching out the window a beautiful raven swooped onto a now winter-barren golden delicious tree next to our house, hopped on the branch causing his target apple to fall, and then took off high into the sky with the golden apple shining from his mouth. These experiences with nature are always enjoyable, and full of wonder, but what’s even more magical is the lessons it teaches just by being in our presence.
And so I Thank you raven, great sprit, for giving me your vision, for allowing me to see my life from thousands of feet above and to soar with the wisdom of the winds. To see that what problems might seem big to me in this human head are small to you with your raven’s perspective. What a blessing you give me. in your flight, raven, i can see the entire world.
From the blackness of the raven, comes the light of the day.
from the dark womb of nightfall is born a new day.
I honor you raven, as you honor me.
I soar in the power of freedom,
And I thank you, teacher raven,
For your flight.
this entry was inspired directly by two great books I just finished: dreaming your world into being: the shaman's secrets to having the life you desire now, by jon rasmussen, and animal-speak: the spiritual and magical powers of creatures great and small, by ted andrews.
The encounter with the raven came from a meditation I read about in animal-speak, and anyone reading this can try it starting at this very moment—city, country, northern hemisphere, southern…what animals do you see daily? What animal do you see that always draws your attention? or encounters you in a funny or traumatic way?
Anything like this, in regards to animals you see or hear, you can take and turn into an inspiration based on the archetype it represents. In my example, the raven taught me the wisdom of vision. In yours, an ant in the bathroom might teach you how to carry a heavy load, or a deer in the woods might teach you to move with ease. A rat in the subway can teach you to be industrious and scrappy.
whatever the animal, it has a unique quality you can learn from or relate to (even if your ego wants to dismiss it as lowly). find whatever meaning you will, it is open for interpretaion. at a minimum, if no omen or archetype presents itself, just being open to the process and cultivating the extra awareness will bring a few moments of joy and pleasure to your thought filled day!
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