state of the moment, or dear spring mountain
January 31, 2014
Dear Spring Mountain,
The rains have barely come, but thank GOD they have.
Milky white orbs floated in like the macy’s parade, and like a tourist on 6th avenue we just stood and gawked at your mass and glory.
I pulled my hiking sneakers inside for the first time in a year, and pulled the tarp over the woodpile. I swear it; the pasture grew half an inch just as the first rain clouds billowed over this mountaintop--overnight.
And to you clouds, filled with the life force of a thousand seas—you with your wet and your way. With a visible inhalation, the open field surrounded by towering trees inflated it’s ribs to await the in-breath of your moist arrival. Like the downward squat of the hawk before it takes flight, it poised.
The lake is a bit low, with small collections of woody debris wherever its coastline ebbs, but it is still impressively clean and translucent. At least ten feet of clearance as you peer down from the shore. The air temperature has been quite low at night, and I can’t imagine the water temperature is much above mid-forty, but I continue to plunge through the winter, for the experience is most worthy of the effort.
There are squirrels everywhere, and generally in groups of a few. Both grey and red, they walk the same path across our front deck multiple times throughout the workday. Surprisingly, the two dogs have learned to ignore it. The neighbors reported a mountiain lion in their vineyard a week ago today, although we have yet to see it. coyotes, bobcats, foxes, deer, turkey, and a few more, are, however, safe to cross off the list.
The magnolias are in full bloom an entire month early as a result of the drought, and the apple blossoms have opened as well.
Thank god for the rosemary’s dank blue kingdom, said the honeybees.
The smell inside of a cloud is remarkable. From the sea, over our neighbors in west county and the santa rosa plains, and smack dab into the peak of my nostrils; spring mountain, 2300’, facing west towards the sea and north towards infinity.
We dance in gratitude of your arrival with reverence for all that is.
Proprietor :: Be Here- Farm and Nature Sanctuary
photo by lisa
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