The dragonfly doesn’t mind the weeds or the thorns as it floats above my garden. I wonder what it thinks of me, sweating and toiling?
Walking around this place I feel a bit like the dragonfly actually. AFLOAT. Afloat and adrift. Around and around. Back to the source we go.
When the land calls you, you don’t even have to answer. The answer comes in the language of action, and it arrives in your cells. Even your mitochondria and DNA hardly hear the faint arrival of the call as it appears all at once from the SPACE within. Your nucleus itself is but a single raisin in the bowl of this space, and it hears the call as if from the bottom of a deep well. The sort of space that only an electron microscope knows is there, but science is sure of none the less. The space that makes you wonder exactly just how does this pile of neutrons and protons sit down at the computer and type these thoughtened words.
And from this SPACE, comes it all. The space that lies within me being no different than yours, I hardly see the reason or rhyme to this call, that call, or none at all—although now presently, rhyming on reason with the benefit of yielded time has generated a new frame of mind. One that affords clarity. Reason over time affords clarity.
The ubiquitous and omniscient scientists who call themselves they say it takes about six months for all of the cells in your body to regenerate anew. The implied meaning being: if you start today with a new way of life you can be a completely new person come Christmas.
And so, the story goes, this happened to me. And as predicted above, the call came and went answered independent of my flesh and bones. I then became a carrier. Like that of a virus. The virus was inside me and as it’s host I have years later become inundated with its’ essence. In fact, it’s impossible to say where it ends and I begin—although, if I am speaking with right language, I should note that the implication of SPACE is that it would be impossible for you to know where anything ends and begins if such concepts exist at all!
all space being equal and interconnected in an expanding universe, imagine the power and wisdom of this space but for even a moment and you understand the might of this internal call.
And as I open myself up to the possibilities and wonder of this space the feeling becomes overwhelming. ANd when there is no longer anything left to overwhelm, you have found the eternal space within.
once here, float about gently like a dragonfly.
____photo by Kelly Turso
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