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cow butts


Floating Pig Shelter

when it’s nine am, twenty eight degrees, and you’re in your backyard sawing down twenty-five foot bamboo shafts to build a floating pig shelter in the woods—you’ll be smiling too. raising animals on pasture, or in the hog’s sake, on woodlot, means to have the ability to adapt to completely unexpected scenarios—constantly!—and to react to them through the most efficient, smartest, and cheapest (ideally $zero) manner possible.  over the next two days we are expected to have the coldest weather this region has experienced in over one hundred and fifty years (this early in the season).  considering the small size, and young age, of many of pch’s residents—including our surprise newborns—we have decided to take a little preemptive action and provide some quick hay nests for the herd to nestle into. 

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seventh grade math

a lot of times on the farm little projects are constantly getting put off.  it’s a good idea, of course, and the intention is in the right place, but right at the last second something more pressing will appear and reprioritize it.  building this fence.  cleaning that shelf.  but then, you know, i’ll end up having to sprint through a suburban neighborhood after a five hundred pound calf instead.

and so today—after four months of seeing that long cardboard box with the impressively heavy plastic roll inside sit in the corner of our equipment shed and wonder when we would use it—today, we put the cover on the hoop house.

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a channukah miracle

completely out of the blue, and with no signs of being pregnant, one of our lady hogs due for slaughter next week just gave birth to four piglets!  they are healthy looking, although i’m concerned that the mother’s teats aren’t as swollen as the last few mothers i’ve witnessed.  the piglets, however, look nothing like oprah’s milk-less and dying piglets i saw this past summer, so i will assume for now that all is well.

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Pig etiquette

me, personally?  the way i act around the pigs is always very calm and mild mannered.  if they are going to remember only one single thing about me, i’d prefer it to be that they are comfortable with me in their space.

as the video footage documents, chef francois takes a slightly different “approach” to managing the hogs.  if you listen closely, you can hear him justify this assault with “i gotta get a quick weight on brutus.” 

poor brutus.


Private Yoga Instruction in Athens

brand new holiday gift certificates for private yoga instruction catered completely to your body and ability in the athens area.

discounted rates for small groups!

contact for cost and information.  cost negotiable on a need basis, barters welcome case-by-case.